Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We're such nerds...but that's okay...

Last Sunday found Tim, Honey, and I at an event called "Pugs in the Park". Its a monthly event that is organized by the rescue agency that we got Honey from about a year and a half ago. There are usualy anywhere from 25 to 50 pugs in attendance! Most of the other "pug parents" were the puggy version of the more common "Creepy Cat Lady". One lady came with ALL EIGHT of her pugs. Oy veh. Anyway, here are a couple of pictures.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Something Funny

As I was preparing this new blog, I actually went back and read my first blog. That's a really cool part of any kind of journaling, blogging included. You have the opportunity to remind yourself of where you've been, and if you were honest at that time, remind yourself of exactly how that felt.

Anyway, in doing this, I also got a chance to bounce over to some old posts from other friends, and found a funny little note on Skipper's blog. Its amazing how vivid the human memory can get. I think more than just Hotass, Skipper, and I can giggle at this one:

Skipper's "Note to Self"

Something New

After crawling my way out of the closet with "In This Closet", and exploring my new, honest, and completely exciting life as the "Gucci Butterfly", I've decided its time to start yet another new blog. This time, to use technology implementation terms, is Business As Usual. That's not to say that I'm not still learning and experiencing new things. Life, after all, is one enormous transition, right?

I've chosen the picture above to illustrate this posting, because to me, it is very refreshing and representative of a "New Day". Anyway, much more to come, but I thought I'd say hello to anyone who may be reading.

Tschüß, Meine Freunde!